Out on the Tundra
Watch as these moose and caribou come across the scent of a hungry grizzly…

Aviation has always been a large part of my life. I wanted to be a pilot before I really knew what a pilot was. Those airplane drivers that took to the sky in Cessnas, Super cubs and Heilo couriers were rock stars in my eyes. Bush flying was my biggest dream, I...
Never Without his Orange Ear Plugs
I have had the pleasure of guiding “Doc”, my friend and client, Brian for many seasons. We have spent days up on a mountain glassing sheep, and hiked many miles across the muskegs to reach the trails of the migrating caribou. We have spent hours in the...
An early success!
On a warm cloudy morning we set out behind camp. There is a drawl we will post up beside, from there we can glass the hill above us and the valley below. It’s one of those electric mornings, you can almost feel the game moving. Within minutes of settling down...